Monday, April 30, 2012

This Domain has been Seized

Wish me Luck

Well, the time has come for drastic measures.

I have decided to burn down this whole place. There is just too much injustice for me to cope with, and after finding out that Callista was in on the entire situation, I cannot help but think that she must go as well.

Our officials are corrupt, our police and firemen too. The mayor of Burlingston is a fat old crook with no sense of right an wrong. Our school teachers are teaching our children how to be terrible people. Our babysitters are a product of this vapid and tainted system. If we let it continue all that will be perpetuated will be insidiously bad habits. Our lovers are the ones that hurt us most.

I cannot let this stand, and so I must burn it down. It is like a sale in the summer, EVERYTHING MUST GO!

Wish me luck.

Your P.A.L.


Well, my dear readers, it seems as though I have had the wool pulled over my eyes for too long now. Callista has been running me around in circles, and I have just been duped into believing that I am on the path of righteousness. It turns out that my dear Callista has been pretending to be this Miro character for this entire time.

I am unsure about what to do. I am infuriated and quite frankly embarrassed.

I shall need a while to figure out what the next step is.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Callista and her Gossip

Callista has been telling me all about the town gossip and the dirt on the local officials. It seems that they perpetuate the gossip as much as anyone else around here. How terrible it is that our elected officials are no more mature than school children.

I still cannot figure out the answer to that riddle. I shall get back to you.

Your P.A.L.

Another No Show

Miro was again absent from our meeting. Yet, I was luckier this time. He left me another box, and this time I was actually able to get to it before Johnny Law.

Again Miro seems to love his games, for he only left me a puzzle to solve and only a few hints to get there.

He writes:

Riddle me this P.A.L. if you can figure out what the answer to this riddle is, you will know what it is that I am trying to fight in the world. 

I have no respect for justice. I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives. I am cunning, malicious and gather strength with age. The more I am quoted, the more I am believed. I flourish at every level of society. My victims are helpless. They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face. To track me down is impossible. The harder you try, the more elusive I become. I am nobody's friend. Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same. I topple governments and wreck marriages. I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights, heartaches and indigestion. I spawn suspicion and generate grief. I make innocent people cry in their pillows. Even my name hisses. 

What am I fighting? Tell me P.A.L. and we can fight it together from the top down. 

I must think on this for a while. He must be testing my wits. 

Your P.A.L. 

Main Street Jitters

I am about to go and meet with Miro in person. After all this time I am ready to get down to the business of breaking open this conspiracy that has wormed its way through the upper crust of this seedy pie that is our government. Wish me luck. I just hope Callista can come along for the ride, but she said something about her stomach hurting and wanting to stay home.

We are meeting on Main Street, where all the dark business begins. 

Your P.A.L

Another Clue

I have just heard from Miro again. It was brief, but to the point:

Hey P.A.L.

I guess you fucked up last time and let the cops get a hold of what I had intended for you to have. That's fine, they're all too stupid to know what it was anyways. Let's meet again tonight; same place, same time.  


So it looks as thought I'm going to get a second shot at this thing. 

Your P.A.L.  

Words of Encouragement

Callista was overwhelmed when I told her about the pattern I had uncovered. She was quite surprised when I told her that it only took me six hours to figure it out. Her exact words were, "Wow, I wouldn't have been able to figure that one out so quickly, knowing you I would have guessed it would take you a few days to figure out that one."

She then went on to suggest I try reaching out to Miro again to see if he can get me another package, seeing as I missed out on the last one.

Strange Things Afoot

I have been walking around the City Hall this evening, trying to deduce any signs of malfesance or debauchery afoot; but it seems, if not quiet, then at least overwhelmingly civil. There are however, strange signs positioned in some sort of pattern on all of the telephone poles going around the building.

On each pole there are a different number of little red colored slips with the words "Hey P.A.L." on them. They also follow a distinct pattern around the city hall. The pattern is as follows:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89

I first noticed the pole with 89 because they were practically covering the side. Then I slowly walked around town. I have diagrammed the pattern.:

I have seen this pattern before, it is reminiscent of the Fibonacci Number. I cannot wait to tell Callista, she has always been a fan of numbers and codes. She has read the Da Vinci Code at least four times. Maybe this has something to do with what Miro left for me in that box. I hope he gets in touch soon.

Your P.A.L.

Distress Downtown

Miro, in a frantic-one line- e-mail, had this to say about our missed connection last night:

Hey P.A.L. sorry about last night, things were getting a little too hot, make sure you use what I left behind in that package wisely. 


Well, Miro, I hope it wasn't too important. 

No Show

Miro, the elusive one, has decided to leave me hanging.

I was afraid something like this would occur, but I was not totally unprepared for such a scenario. I do not believe that Miro did it on purpose, because I was listening in on the police scanners and there was a disturbance five minutes before I was to meet Miro in the exact spot where we were supposed to see each other. It seems that a red flare was set off and a small package was left in the spot.

I wonder what was in that package?